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Kilo Cougar Fun Festivities 12/19/2023

Kilo Cougar Fun Festivities 12/19/2023

Tuesday was a busy day as 251 of our Cougars participated in the first ALL STAR Event of the 23-24 school year. Students who participated met all STAR expectations of ZERO discipline referrals, ZERO tardies and Passing ALL their classes from November 27th to December 15th. Students created cards, played Toy Story Trivia, we held Volleyball and Basketball Competitions and a high stress Bingo game.. 

We ended our night with a Art and Music Concert. Mrs. Ramirez-Zaragoza's art students displayed their work with a  Art and Ceramics display. Mrs. Mostovoy and Mrs. Kexel held a captive audience with performances from our Band, Choir and Orchestra programs as many of our families danced in their seats. It was an Amazing Day!!