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Good News April 27, 2021

  • Good News Announcements
Good News April 27, 2021

Kilo Middle School’s Ashley Cundiff collected 800 items for Federal Way Senior Center and a local food bank

We’re excited to recognize Kilo Middle School’s Ashley Cundiff who provided an exceptional act of service to benefit the local community!

Ashley organized and advertised a food drive. After posting a call to action for donations on social media she acquired over 800 items including pet supplies, food, and more. These items were then delivered to the Federal Way Senior Center and a local food bank.

We’re so proud of your initiative to be a student leader who is a thriving, confident, responsible individual which is what our Goal 2 efforts are all about! Way to go, Ashley.

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5 FWPS students named Act Six Scholars

We have great news to share: 5 of our students have been named Act Six Scholars!

Selected through a rigorous three-month competition among more than 1,100 applicants, these diverse student leaders were selected for their commitment to serving their school, eagerness to foster intercultural relationships, and willingness to step out of their comfort zones.

From Todd Beamer High School:

  • Immanuel Lee who will attend Saint Martin’s University
  • Luis Carrera-Lara who will attend Whitworth University

From Decatur High School:

  • Milagros Gonzalez who will attend Northwest University

From Federal Way High School:

  • Cheryl Aguilar Henriquez who will attend Saint Martin’s University

From Thomas Jefferson High School:

  • Alisha Saucedo who will attend Saint Martin’s University

The colleges will provide full-tuition, full-need scholarships over four years.

These students have persisted to graduation, and beyond. We’re so proud of them!

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Decatur High School’s McKayla Harlan places at Puget Sound Educational Service District Regional High School Art Show

We’re so proud of McKayla Harlan from Decatur High School for being one of 10 winners at the Puget Sound Educational Service District Regional High School Art Show for her piece “Hopelessness”! She also received The Arts Impact GRIT Award.

Artwork is judged on creativity, composition, and technique and is open to students enrolled in grades 9–12.

The entries that received the highest scores will advance to the 48th Annual State High School Art Show through the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.

McKayla, we are proud of your dedication to the arts, which supports Strategic Plan Goal 4: Content Area Competence: Mastery of All Subjects. Way to go!

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Scholars achieve musical accomplishments

Our engaged, active scholars have had great musical achievements!

The following scholars auditioned and were selected for the All Northwest and Washington Music Educators Association honor ensembles:

  • Carter Mitchell, Decatur High School
  • Cassidy Stanhope, Decatur High School
  • Kayla Koo, Decatur High School

The following scholars auditioned and were selected for the Western International Band Clinic honor ensembles:

  • Cassidy Stanhope, Decatur High School
  • Kayla Koo, Decatur High School

The following scholar was selected for the National Association for Music Education, Northwest Division honor group:

  • Drake Hedrick, Thomas Jefferson High School, bass (voice)

The following scholar competed against thousands of students and placed at the prestigious Music Teachers National Association event:

  • Cassidy Stanhope, Decatur High School, 3rd place for tuba 


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